Our Project focuses on creation of the network for teachers who are willing to introduce education about sustainable development into curriculum of their classes/groups, but do not know how to do this. We consider early education as an important element to build up environmental awareness of the whole society – very often conscious children force their parents to change pernicious environmental habits. Last year our Foundation together with our Slovak Partner Daphne and Czech Partner Lipka have finalized the Kids for Eco-Action Project. The survey we prepared at the end of the project has shown huge demand among teachers in pro-ecological projects, educational materials as well as easy access to knowledge about SDGs (226 teachers took part in the survey, 206 of them said their children wanted to learn more about SDGs). Our experience (regular trainings for teachers and workshops for kids) shows that small children are not involved (or involved partially) in leaning about sustainable development. Our Project addresses this need. This time we want to take a step forward and enable teachers to learn good practices from other countries of Central Europe and share knowledges with teachers who have the same challenges, but probably another approach to face them. For this purpose, we will organize and conduct first international network meeting for teachers, that:
- is devoted entirely to preschool and primary school teachers;
- is focused on Sustainable Development Goals only;
- gathers teachers from four counties of our region: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine;
- merges practice with theory;
- uses knowledge of different environments: education, science, business and third sector.
We will implement the Project in three basic steps:
- We will create and complement the already existing educational materials for teachers, incl. the „Sustainable Future” publication, containing 40 activities for children focused on 6 selected themes: biodiversity, life under water, protection of bees, climate change, water retention, waste management;
- We will organize and run a fantastic event „Sustainable Future” for teachers from four countries;
- Teachers from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine will conduct trainings for their colleagues after returning home.
The network meeting will take place in April 2022. The network meeting will be 2-days event for teachers from Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. During the event we plan to focus on promoting environmental SDGs.
To reach this goal we want to: a) organize one-day international network meeting for teachers; b) organize half-day study visit to one of the Warsaw kindergartens, where the sustainable education program is already accomplished.
The network meeting is going to be dynamically planned with the mix of presentation forms. First day of the meeting will contain at least: 2 discussion panels (introduction to the topic of the meeting), 3 simultaneous discussion tables (30 min. discussions in smaller groups of participants, this is a form of discussion that gives opportunity of direct contact with all participants, after 30 min. participants change the tables), 1 Oxford debate (the debate in which there are two sides, one side represents constructive standpoint, another – rebuttal), and demonstration classes (one expert presentation full of practical knowledge).
The second day will be study visit to Warsaw kindergarten (one or two kindergartens). Participants will have a chance to observe and participate in activities that teach children about ecology and environmental protection.
Project Coordinator
Mariya Shmelova
tel. +48 609 100 270
email: maria.shmelova@culturelab.pl
V4 Teachers Network Meeting – „Sustainable Future” Project is co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund.